
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Twenty-Twelve: A Year-End Post

I wanted to write a year-end post (link for 2011) - something to describe a year marked in so many ways with His presence. So I wrote about things I am most thankful for in 2012. I ended up writing these lessons from Him. Turns out I would be most thankful to God for these! He knew!

My relationship with God
1. EXPRESS LOVE. We love (and express love!) because He first SHOWED us (1 John 4:19). Express love (time, service, words, gifts and touch)!
2. Ours is not only a relationship to KEEP, but one to BUILD (link). He has given me renewed joy in BUILDING my relationship with him. I am thankful for another year in my walk with Him. He has been FAITHFUL (2 Tim 2:13).

My relationship with family
Much as I start each year with a desire be closer to them, I've never really done much. Friends will attest, as I'm always with them. Towards the latter part of the year, however, God gave me an opportune time for family. What timely golden season! He gave me a new pair of God-colored lens! To SEE!
3. Each of them is VALUABLE in His eyes (Isa 43:4). He is bringing about their salvation (Acts 16:31). Thanks to Denise and Tita, Mama and Papa attended services this year! Praise the Lord!!! (Perfect way to say it!) He is teaching me more that my LOVE for them matters. Love expressions to FAMILY matter. Celebrations too!
4. THEIR LOVE for me is real and deep. That much of the people who love me most, won't always appear to love me - and that it is, usually or would be, a cause of hurt to them or myself. Just as loving God is trusting God, so is loving others, trusting them.

My (new) relationship with home
5. We can help BUILD our home. In that timely golden season, I've also witnessed the time and resources put in building our home. Thought paying the bills is pretty much maintaining one. But apparently, for so many years I was blind! A home can actually be likened to a relationship, which we build and nourish. What a lovelier place it had become just with that realization. I love home. 

My relationship with men
I've never held on to the "don't assume" principle harder in my life! But I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't pushed to the mushy mode sometimes. God came through every time! He taught me to
6. DROWN in His love. Thank God for the fullness of His love (Eph 3:19) and for the gift of salvation. My life now belongs to Him. Ah the joy of salvation! What joy! What love!
7. Have CONFIDENCE in his plan (Rom 12:2). He gives me more reason each year to do so. Indeed I would have written a lame one if given the pen to write it myself. Trust is essential. Faith pleases God. This includes BEING the person God wants to us be.

My Ministry 
8. God will use us. Somehow numb with work, that joy and enthusiasm to be used by God in every way has somehow faded. Thank God for His reminders this year (Movers, Roxas, Reunion) and for the privilege to serve and be used.
9. Be SIMPLY JOYFUL. Thank God for his gift of fruitful god-centric sisterhoods and friendships. They lead me to focus on no other but God, to seek to please no other but Him, to be SIMPLY JOYFUL sisters and brothers. I am thankful for NEW COMPANY, for openness and sincerity, simple acceptance during those unguarded moments. THANKFUL INDEED!

My Work
10. Appreciate what you have and be the best at it! Seek Him first. With the GUIDANCE and COUNSEL of men older and wiser (only after you have done above), go be that idealistic young person and explore the world (within or) out there! God is UNLIMITED!

2012 has been a year filled much learning and discipline (Heb 12:6, Prov 3:12). It usually hurt a lot. Cost a lot. But thank God it was all worth it. Thank God for His FAITHFULNESS and His immeasurable LOVE. PRAISES!!! To the One and Only Most High!!! He has been wayyyyy good! I pray that His presence would fill your heart to the brim and overflowing as well!

1 comment:

Maix said...

I think this is a great idea! I love how everything connects to God in the grand scheme of things. It's as if He is always there to guide you, and never leave you. He is always teaching you lessons and it seems to make your life so much more fulfilling. I'm happy for you and your wonderful year! Make the next one just as fulfilling too! Hahaha